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Sunday, February 26, 2012

" Ant "Old Story

Ants are a lot like a champion.  The strongest creature in the World.  They are in a death blow with unbounded courage. Small but terrible, popularly known. They never surrender easily even if how many numbers are killed. An Ant sophistication will continue to bite to an opponent.  According to the other Myth, Zeus transformed into an Ant to make love to the  maiden Eurymedusa Thessaly. She gave birth to Myrmidon, who has a great influence in the war martial race and prospered in peace. They worked diligently in soil, like ants have access in the deepest part of the earth, where metals and jewels are found. Herodotus told India that ants are as huge as foxes. These ants threw a huge pile of sand which contained gold. The Indians packed the bag of sand bag and carried in a camel.

In a famous Aesop fable of a grasshopper, The ant always stored grain in winter time. The grasshopper asked the ant why they stored food in winter. The snow fall, the grasshopper begged for food. The ant said, you are singing in summer and dance in winter. If you can remember the proverbial verse in the bible " Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! attributed to Solomon Proverbs 6:6, the ant said, you sluggard when are you going to get up from sleep.

Ants are creatures that live beneath part of the earth, the world of the dead. Mysterious and scaring. In West African Tribe, they believed that Ants deliver messages from God. In ancient Greece and Rome,  when King Midas was a child, Ants manage the grains of corn to his lips as he slept.

Ants swarmed to the animal blood, when the known Greek commander Cimon forfeit a goat to the God Dionysus during war in Persia, they transfer the Cimon and wiped to the toe, telling his death. Enchanting Ants still exists now a days. A nest near the door full of Ants bring good luck  and you will grow rich.

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